E-learning on sustainable development


EEM developed the content for an e-learning training course on sustainable development and corporate social responsibility for a large Engineering Procurement Construction Management firm to be taken by 36,000 people worldwide.

Approach and Solution

A renewed emphasis on corporate culture and values led to the decision to produce a two-hour course for this large audience. ÉEM served as subject matter expert on a multi-disciplinary team of pedagogical experts and graphic designers.

The training focuses on establishing the business case for sustainability with concrete examples from operations that draw the connection between the sustainable development impacts of employee’s daily activities, and the performance of the business.

The course was divided into four modules that users will take at their own pace, followed by a short evaluation to ensure that the concepts have been understood.


The e-learning modules will be available to employees and contractors later in the spring of 2013.

Case studies

Review of existing legal registers

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