Planning of an integrated HSEC management system at a gold mining company


EEM was selected over two multinational consulting firms to plan an integrated Health & Safety, Environment and Community management system for a gold mining company with operations in North America and Europe.

Approach and Solution

Working closely with client personnel at the corporate and site levels in Canada, Mexico and Finland from 2012 through 2013, EEM has been retained to provide strategic input at the design and planning and development stages. When implemented, the system will satisfy the requirements of ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, the Mining Assocation of Canada’s Towards Sustainable Mining (TSM) initiative, the International Cyanide Management Code, the Conflict-Free Gold standard, Global Reporting Initiave reporting guidelines, the Carbon Disclosure Project and partially meet a number of other international standards for certain aspects of sustainable development such as ISO 26000, BNQ 21000 and the Global Compact.


The project has been well received by internal stakeholders, and is proceeding through the planning stages to system design and implementation.

Case studies

Review of existing legal registers

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